Internet, the new way to look for news
According to a study made by Pew Research Center, after local and national television, the Internet has become the third most popular source for American people to look for news.
The 92% of those polled looks for news in different sites like television, internet, radio, newspaper, etc. Just the 17% of the polled says that they look for news in a national newspaper like New York Times or USA Today. The 50% says that reads the news in a local newspaper. Just the 54% admits that they listen to the radio at home or in the car. Six out of ten look for news on the Internet. The 78% uses the local television and the 73% the national one. The 74% admits that they watch news on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
In conclusion the Internet has become one of the most popular ways to look for news
9:35 | | 1 Comments
Internet VS Simon Cowel
A citizen campaign made in Facebook has achieved to make the single "Killing in the name" of Rise Against the Machine the number one on sales lists instead of the winner single from "The X Factor".
Since 2005 that Simon Cowell created the reality show "The X Factor" nobody had achieved to beat the winner single of this reality on the christmas sales list, but this year a british couple decided to protest against the control of this reality and created a group on Facebook trying that "Killing in the name" of Rise Against the Machine, an old hit, beat Joe McElderry from "The X Factor".
Firstly Simon Cowel declared that this idea was "stupid" but when he saw the result he admited his defeat.
Internet's choice
The X Factor's choice
12:18 | | 0 Comments
I miss you
In english:
(I miss you miss you)
Hello there the angel from my nightmare
The shadow in backround of the morgue
The unsespecting victim of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never end
Where are you and I'm so sorry
I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight
I need somebody and always
This sick strange darkness comes creeping on so haunting everytime
And as I stared I counted the webs from all the spiders
catching things and eating their insides
Like indecision to call you
And hear your voice of treason
Will you come home and stop this pain tonight
stop this pain tonight
Don't waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head(6x)
In spanish:
(Te echo de menos)
Hola, ángel de mi pesadilla
La sombra en el fondo del tanatorio
La confiada víctima de la oscuridad en el valle
Podemos vivir como Jack y Sally si queremos
Donde siempre puedas encontrarme
Pasaremos halloween en navidad
Y en la noche desearemos que esto nunca termine
Desearemos que esto nunca termine
(Te echo de menos, te echo de menos)
(Te echo de menos, te echo de menos)
¿Dónde estás? Lo siento mucho
No puedo dormir, no puedo soñar esta noche
Necesito a alguien y siempre
Esta enferma y extraña oscuridad
Llega arrastrándose persiguiéndome cada vez
Y mientras empezaba contaba
Telarañas de todas las arañas
Atrapando cosas y comiendo su interior
Como la indecisión de llamarte
Y escuchar tu voz de traición
¿Vendrás a casa
y detendrás este dolor esta noche?
Para este dolor esta noche
No pierdas tu tiempo conmigo ya eres
La voz dentro de mi cabeza
(te echo de menos, te echo de menos)
No pierdas tu tiempo conmigo ya eres
La voz dentro de mi cabeza
(te echo de menos, te echo de menos)
No pierdas tu tiempo conmigo ya eres
La voz dentro de mi cabeza
(te echo de menos, te echo de menos)
No pierdas tu tiempo conmigo ya eres
La voz dentro de mi cabeza
(te echo de menos, te echo de menos)
Coloquial expressions:
·Hello there
0:53 | | 0 Comments
Obama's speech in Chicago
Obama's speech:
"If there is anyone out who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dreams of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.
It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because the believed that this time must be different; that their voices could be that difference.
It's the ansewer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disable - Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of Red States and Blue States: we are, and always will be, the United States of America.
It's the answer that led those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful of what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.
It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to America."
My translation to spanish:
Si hay alguien ahí que sigue pensando que América es un sitio donde todo es posible, que sigue preguntándose si el sueño de nuestros fundadores esta vivo en nuestro tiempo, que sigue cuestionando el poder de la democracia, esta noche es tu respuesta.
Es la respuesta dada por las líneas que estiraban por todas las escuelas y las iglesias en números que nunca ha visto esta nación; por la gente que esperaba tres o cuatro horas , mucha por la primera vez en sus vidas, porque creían que esta vez debía de ser diferente, que su voz podría ser esa diferencia.
Es la respuesta de la que hablan por jóvenes y mayores, por ricos y pobres, demócratas y republicanos, negros, blancos, latinos, asiáticos, nativos americanos, gays, heterosexuales, discapacitado o no discapacitado. Americanos que enviaron un mensaje al mundo que nunca hemos sido una recopilación de estados rojos (republicanos) y estados azules (demócratas) : somos, y siempre seremos, los Estados Unidos de América.
Es la respuesta que dio a entender a aquellos que les dijeron muchas personas por mucho tiempo que debían ser cínicos, y miedosos, y dudosos de lo que podemos lograr, poner sus manos en el arco y doblarlo una vez más hacia la esperanza de un día mejor.
Ha tardado mucho en llegar, pero esta noche, por lo que hicimos en este día, en esta elección, en este preciso momento, el cambio ha llegado a América.
10:51 | | 0 Comments
Welcome to my blog!

1:05 | | 0 Comments